Top Voucher Offers

What better way to start the New Year than to start with the best, most loved offers. With our Top offers for Gift Cards this week, you are sure to start the year on a high note:

• [MOB+WEB] S&P – Walmart $1000 Winter Wonderland SOI /US, Payout: $2.45, EPC: $0.25, CR: 10.3%
• [MOB+WEB] Supermarket Voucher SOI /SG, Payout: €1.60, EPC: $0.16, CR: 8.6%
• [MOB+WEB] SB – €500 Gift Card SOI /NL, Payout: $2.80, EPC: $0.18, CR: 6.7%
• [MOB+WEB] SX – Auchan 500 SOI /FR, Payout: €1.10, EPC: $0.07, CR: 5.2%
• [MOB+WEB] Kaufland SOI /PL, Payout: €0.60, EPC: $0.03, CR: 4.5%

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