Everybody loves to travel. That is why our Travel Vouchers offers from Sweepstakes category show such high results with different types of traffic:
• [MOB+WEB] $1000 Sentosa Staycation vs HK Travel pack SOI /SG, Payout: €1.30, EPC: $0.06, CR: 5.1%
• [MOB+WEB] SX – Win a trip to New York SOI /UK, Payout: €1.60, EPC: $0.10, CR: 6.4%
• [MOB+WEB] SB – Booking Autumn SOI /IT, Payout: $1.90, EPC: $0.11, CR: 5.9%
• [MOB+WEB] Las Vegas Trip SOI /US, Payout: $2.40, EPC: $0.20, CR: 8.7%
• [MOB+WEB] Trip to Bali SOI /NZ, Payout: $2.10, EPC: $0.08, CR: 4.2%