It is pretty easy to get lost in the diversity of the Sweepstakes category. However, it is also good to know there are offers that always convert with any type of traffic. For example, just like our top iPhone 13:
• [MOB+WEB] Oferta del momento iPhone 13 SOI /MX, Payout: $0.24, EPC: $0.01, CR: 7.3%
• [MOB+WEB] S&P – iPhone 13 SOI /US, Payout: $2.80, EPC: $0.25, CR: 9.1%
• [MOB+WEB] SB – iPhone 13 SOI /UK, Payout: $2.30, EPC: $0.19, CR: 8.5%
• [MOB+WEB] iPhone 13 SOI /SG, Payout: $1.75, EPC: $0.11, CR: 6.4%
• [MOB+WEB] iPhone 13 SOI /FI, Payout: €2.00, EPC: $0.16, CR: 7.9%