Pushflow.net Exclusive Bonus

A lot of media buyers are thinking about collecting their own push-notification base. This option in fact presents many advantages to users – no limits in notification amounts or themes, no budget limits or any other aspects that a user might face when working with purchased push traffic. There might be however a problem when choosing the right service with which you can not only collect a base, but also send those notifications.

Today we would like to take a deeper look into one of these tools. Pushflow.net is a push notification service that helps affiliate marketers to build their own push subscription feeds and send an unlimited number of targeted push notifications.

Why you should choose Pushflow?

Cloud service
You don’t need to install and configure a server or deal with code, everything works in our cloud

 Ready-made widgets and landing pages
You don’t need to understand the code, just download prelanding or ready-made scripts from Pushflow

 Integration with trackers
Simple and clear documentation on how to integrate our service with a tracker software

 Wide target
Target by device, geo, language, connection type, subscription age and more

 Flexible delivery options
Create sequential rules for sending notifications or schedule bulk notifications every hour

 Push Subscription Carousel
Built-in functionality to redirect users between your subdomains until they subscribe to push notifications

And to make the first integration and launch more pleasant Pushflow.net has prepared an exclusive bonus for our partners – get $45 on your account balance with promo code ADTRAFICO. Start collecting your own push subscription base today!

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