This year’s infamous World Sales Day, also known as Black Friday, will take place on November 25. We’ve already added thematic offers to the Sweepstakes and Mobile Billing categories so you have plenty of time to prepare for this event and make a good profit on it:
• [MOB+WEB] Mediamarkt Black Friday Pin submit /PT [Meo, Vodafone, NOS], Payout: $8.00
• [MOB+WEB] Quiztionnaire – Amazon Black Friday SOI /UK, Payout: $1.80
• [MOB+WEB] S&P – Shein $750 Black Friday SOI /US, Payout: $2.80
• [MOB+WEB] SX – Primark Black Friday SOI /ES, Payout: €1.10
• [MOB+WEB] SB – Ikea Black Friday SOI /IT, Payout: $1.90