New Christmas Offers

The entire Western world is actively preparing for Christmas – food, decorations, gifts… And likely, many people are dreaming about getting rid of the unnecessary hassle, making this process as comfortable as possible. That’s why our new Sweepstakes SOI offers, which are easy to profit with during these pre-holiday times, are here to help:

• [MOB+WEB] Win an Amazon Gift Card Christmas SOI /US, Payout: $2.40

• [MOB+WEB] Win McDonalds Gift Card Christmas SOI /CA, Payout: $1.60

• [MOB+WEB] Win iPhone 12 PRO Christmas SOI /UK, Payout: $1.90

• [MOB+WEB] SB – Carrefour Xmas SOI /IT, Payout: $1.90

• [MOB+WEB] SB – Ikea Xmas SOI /ES, Payout: $0.90

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