To get out of the winter’s energy saving mode and proceed to work with renewed vigor, we advise you to pay attention to our February top Sweepstakes and Dating offers:
• [MOB+WEB] S&P – Making Better Money – PayPal $1000 SOI /US, Payout: $4.00, EPC: $0.41, CR: 10.3%
• [MOB+WEB] Win the Xbox series X With Game Pass SOI /LU, Payout: $4.80, EPC: $0.45, CR: 9.5%
• [MOB+WEB] Oferta del momento iPhone 13 SOI /MX, Payout: $0.24, EPC: $0.01, CR: 7.8%
• [MOB+WEB] SB – iPhone 13 S SOI /UK, Payout: $2.30, EPC: $0.35, CR: 15.6%
• [MOB+WEB] Samsung S20 SOI /HK, Payout: €1.05, EPC: $0.10, CR: 9.1%
• [MOB+WEB] Non strings attached SOI /IT *EXCLUSIVE, Payout: €0.80, EPC: $0.17, CR: 19.5%
• [MOB] GrannFlirten DOI /SE, Payout: $2.20, EPC: $0.30, CR: 13.7%
• [MOB] DirtyDating SOI /NL, Payout: €2.15, EPC: $0.25, CR: 10.6%
• [MOB] Chat4dates SOI /DE, Payout: €2.00, EPC: $0.46, CR: 20.4%
• [MOB] Singleflirt SOI /TR, Payout: €0.16, EPC: $0.01, CR: 8.2%